Due to varying technical requirements for the fuels consumed in different applications, several different biodiesel variants have been developed during the past several years. These biodiesel variants are used in specific applications as they are or in combination with other fuel ingredients. Some of these variants have attained commercial significance. One major biodiesel variant is...
Biodiesel basically replaces the petroleum-based diesel or petro-diesel and therefore, it can be used wherever the petro-diesel is used. However, in most applications, biodiesel is used in conjunction with the petroleum-based diesel, i.e., biodiesel is blended with the petro-diesel in different proportions depending on the availability of biodiesel as well as its costing, the engines...
COMPARISON WITH PETROLEUM-BASED DIESEL Biodiesel replaces the petroleum-based diesel fuel partially or completely. It operates the compression-ignition engines. Biodiesel is a drop-in fuel and can be used in regular diesel engines without making any changes to the engines, although older engines may require replacement of fuel lines and other rubber components. Biodiesel is made from...